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Partners of the Polio Quebec Association

The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital

Since its creation in 1985, Polio Quebec has maintained very close relations with the resources of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital and with the Post-Polio Clinic, resources whose expertise is unique and highly appreciated. This is how we were able to benefit from the continuous support of competent medical resources as well as the results of research carried out in the national and international university environment. During these 25 years of collaboration, Polio Quebec has, among other things, greatly benefited from the professional and personal investment of Dr. Neil Cashman and Dr. Daria Trojan, physiatrists, in their role as medical advisors to the Board of Directors. In addition, we would also like to highlight the work of the entire team of doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and neurologists who provide support and comfort to people with polio, including members of Polio Quebec. Note, among other things, the contribution of Dr. Diane Diorio, neurologist, who has been at the Clinic since 2001.

The MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Center

Since 2005, Polio Québec has been housed at the MacKay site of the MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre, which offers specialized and ultra-specialized adaptation, rehabilitation and social integration services to people with significant and persistent disabilities.


Polio Quebec is a member of COPHAN (Confederation of Disabled People's Organizations of Quebec) which brings together 54 organizations and has as its primary objective the defense of the rights of people with functional limitations.


The Multi-Ethnic Association for the Integration of People with Disabilities (AMEIPH) is a non-profit organization that offers people with disabilities from different ethnocultural backgrounds, as well as families, a resource capable of supporting them in their integration process. at all levels and to direct them to the resources that meet their needs. In view of the fact that some immigrants may have been affected by polio in their country of origin, Polio Québec and the AMEIPH maintain a collaboration allowing to provide more targeted assistance to our members.

The Family Crossroads for Persons with Disabilities (Quebec)

The CFPH, which is located in Quebec City, has the mission of bringing together people with physical disabilities and their families, making all representations and offering all services and activities likely to improve their quality of life, and maintain a living environment which allows members to help each other, to be informed, to educate themselves, to represent themselves, to recharge their batteries and to be entertained. We have developed an increasingly interesting collaboration with them: participation in programs on the Quebec community radio station, holding an afternoon conference on polio and organization in the spring of 2011 of a workshop on health care management for people with chronic illness.


Our former president, Stewart Valin, allowed us to consolidate our links with the network of Rotary clubs: representation at activities of the Rotaract Club of Jean de Brébeuf college as well as the Rotary clubs of Westmount and St-Laurent. This rapprochement is all the more essential since Rotary is heavily involved in the END POLIO NOW operation, which is intended to be the final phase of the global fight against the polio virus. Hope they reach their goal after so many years of hard work.

Butterfly Wings Foundation

Polio Quebec has been supporting the Fondation Ailes du Papillon, a charitable organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life of children suffering from neuromuscular diseases. The Foundation also helps people who have had polio and who are now suffering from post-polio syndrome.

Quebec Volunteer Action Network

Since 2015, the Polio Quebec Association has been proud to display the Action Bénévole Québec logo, which demonstrates the importance and value we place on the volunteers who work within our organization.

Spinal cord and motor skills Quebec

MEMO-Qc is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the autonomy of people with spinal cord injuries, but also of all people living with a disability. MEMO-Qc works to promote social integration and employability, defends the collective rights and interests of people with disabilities and supports research. Given their common mission, Polio Quebec and MEMO-Qc maintain a collaborative relationship with the goal of offering members activities that meet their needs.


The PHAS movement (Persons with disabilities for access to services) has the following mission:
To promote access to social and health services that meet the needs of people with disabilities and those of their families.
Obtain quality public services that meet the needs of individuals and their families, within an acceptable timeframe.
Have access to universal, free, integral and accessible public services.
Ensure that access to services becomes a concern for society as a whole, with a view to social solidarity.

An Itinerary For All

An Itinerary For All is an organization that aims to support the population in taking ownership of their power to act by equipping them to improve their quality of life in a perspective of social development and the fight against poverty.