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Welcome to Polio Quebec

Our mission: To help people with poliomyelitis and post-polio syndrome.

Tribute to Pauline Karolewicz

I am really proud to know you and to have worked with you for the Association Polio Québec. You are a person of integrity and devotion, who has given of himself body and soul to ensure that the association remains viable and healthy.

Always supportive during our monthly meetings, your contribution as treasurer, your always respectful comments towards all are very much appreciated.

You supported Sally Atkins, Mona Arsenault, Dr Cashman, Father Gaudreault, Mario DiCarlo, Gilles Besner, Daniel Montmarquette, Chantal Mallen, our director Amitha Katta, and all the members and ex-members of the board.

Pauline, we will miss you. You wanted to leave us six months ago and you stayed until we found you a replacement.

Living with the sequelae of polio brings its share of pain and inconvenience which often increases with age. I understand that you want to take a break and that you are tired.

Even if you leave us, you remain a very busy person with your family, your grandchildren, your condo and so on.

I wish you to continue to live your life to the full and to see you again at our meetings.

Roland Larivière

President PolioQuebec Association


From left to right: Roland Larivière, Chantal Mallen, Pauline Karolewicz, Nicole Gagliardi, Mona Arsenault.

Information Polio Quebec


Polio Quebec's mission is to help people with polio and to be the best source of help for these people.


In this section, we offer you different resources under several categories, as well as information leaflets.

Polio and PPS

Here you will find factual and medical information about poliomyelitis and post-polio syndrome (PPS).

Devenez membre

La force de Polio Québec repose avant tout sur ses membres. Voyez les bénéfices et la façon d’être membre de Polio Québec.

Health professionals

Since the only specialized clinic for post-polio syndrome is in Montreal


This book tells the story of poliomyelitis in Quebec, the story of organizations and people

Explore our association

History and logo

The life of an association is not always easy.


The energy and efforts provided by the Polio Quebec Association

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Polio Quebec on Telehandicap. November 8, 2024